
[趣味遊戲] THQ Wireless Worms 2008 A Space Oddity

[趣味遊戲] THQ Wireless Worms 2008 A Space Oddity

Worms 2008 features a story of intergalactic Worm travellers exploring their solar system. The single-player campaign missions feature varying objectives to keep the player on their toes as they fight to defend installations, repair space crafts, collect rare minerals and battle to the death against alien races. Worms 2008 also features all new graphics and new animations, including new looks for the opponent alien races.

Players will be able to see the main game in landscape mode, as well as classic portrait mode. This view will allow the user to see more of the landscape and will give an experience closer to playing the game on a widescreen. Worms 2008 is scheduled to be available for over 850 mobile phones starting in June 2008.
