高清版本,適合NexusOne和其他解析度大於等於480 × 800的手機。
你以往任何時候都一直下降的一個視窗和"一切便好,只要我可以吻的人嗎?"的思想 是啊,我都沒有。 則此真奇怪和 addicting 的應用程式,名親吻 Frenzy 的基本前提。
吻,許多女孩為你瘋狂地試圖將這些開發技能,良好的使用,作為您可以前倒在地上。 吻的你更多女孩,更多的女孩有聽你,你落向地面。 我警告你,這是 strange…
該應用程式來填充的 60 多個不同的級別和 5 不同解除鎖定位置: 太陽城、 黃昏城市、 Moonville、 Vinter 谷,和彩虹山。 這場比賽還包括三個不同的遊戲模式: 卡薩諾瓦、 多人和生存。
每個級別完成獎你與獎牌基於你的分數。 直到你得到滿分,顯示該分數對應用程式的 Leaderboards 或其 Facebook 連接功能太重放的每個級別。
此應用程式中有一噸重的內容,僅為 0.99 美元的。 有一堆的級別和很多不同的電源 ups 和 unlockables 在這一個。 誰不愛額外的事情來做,正確?
這場比賽看上去漂亮簡單,但它真的快速獲取很激烈。 如果您正在尋找一種有趣,沉溺,和具有挑戰性的遊戲,就是肯定它了。 這也是只是很奇怪的。 我的意思是單獨的前提是種在那裡,但這也是這個小遊戲的魅力的一部分太。
這裡真的沒有別的壞"的這場比賽。 我的意思是它是想做的一切都和它播放它是想玩的方式。 是啊,很奇怪和一個怪怪,但這並不意味著它不是有趣或 addicting 發揮要麼。
您是兩會喜歡這種遊戲,或者你會恨這場比賽。 它是真的這麼簡單。 來自享受這場比賽的人試圖發現的東西放在這個"不好"一節中,這裡真的沒有別的。 再次,你會喜歡它,或你不會。
這場比賽不會一切都很好,它有很多的功能包括在它。 只有一個推卸責任,不壞。 它可能有點怪,但我喜歡該創意的它,即使很少在外面。 如果仍未有決定對這一第一次出無版本請嘗試。
Have you ever been falling out of a window and thought, “Everything will be okay as long as I can kiss someone?” Yeah, me neither. However, that’s the basic premise of this really strange and addicting app that goes by the name, Kissing Frenzy.
Put those tapping skills to good use as you frantically attempt to kiss as many girls as you can before falling to the ground. The more you girls you kiss, the more girls there are to catch you as you fall toward the ground. I warned you it was strange…
The app comes packed with over 60 different levels and 5 different unlockable locations: Sun City, Dusk Town, Moonville, Vinter Valley, and Rainbow Hill. The game also includes three different modes of gameplay: Casanova, Multiplayer, and Survival.
Each level completed awards you with medals based on your score. Replay each level until you get a perfect score and display that score on the app’s Leaderboards or on its Facebook connection feature too.
The Good:
This app has a ton of content in it for only $0.99. There are a bunch of levels and lots of different power-ups and unlockables in this one. Who doesn’t love extra stuff to do, right?
This game seems pretty simple at first, but it gets really intense really quickly. If you are looking for a fun, addicting, and challenging game, this one is definitely it. It’s also just really weird. I mean the premise alone is kind of out there, but that’s also part of the charm of this little game too.
The Bad:
There really isn’t anything “bad” with this game. I mean it does everything it is suppose to do and it plays the way it is suppose to play. Yeah, it’s weird and a little strange, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun or addicting to play either.
You are either going to like this game or you will hate this game. It’s really that simple. Coming from someone that enjoyed the game, I tried to find something to put in this “bad” section and there really isn’t anything. Again, you’ll like it or you won’t.
The Verdict
This game does everything really well and it has a lot of features included in it. For only a buck, that’s not bad. It might be a little weird, but I liked that originality of it even if it was a little out there. If you are still undecided on this one, try out the Free version first.
